Romance Kakumei


Here we will inform you about updates to the homepage and the progress of our training.



It's been nearly a year since the last news entry. ^^;;
And after two years another AniMaCo takes place, and we are happy to announce that we will be performing. ^^
You can find further details in the "On Stage" section.



We bemoan the loss of many faithful members and that we could not dismiss them on stage. We want to thank you for a wonderful time:

Haruka   Kaaron   Kuro   Jamie   Ma-chan   Kim



I know it's quit about us, but we're not dead yet ^^
After half a year break we're training again, to be able to present you some moments of our "glittering reality" in 2010.

This homepage has not been updated quite often, but it WILL be updated! ^.^
You don't believe me?
Look into the "OnStage" and "Cast" section. ^_~



Better late than never! We are happy to announce that we are performing at the AniMaCo 2008. ^^
You can find further details in the "On Stage" section.


German English